Teach Your Child The Toothbrushing Basics!

As your child heads back to school, you will want their smile to be bright and healthy. 

That means bringing them in for their next dental cleaning and exam, but it also means keeping their teeth and gums clean and healthy at home.

Packing their lunch with nutritious foods, drinks, and snacks is one way to ensure a teeth-friendly diet. Another way to promote good oral health is making sure they master those toothbrushing skills!

Here’s a fun video to share with your child about why it’s important to keep their teeth fresh and clean. When learning about dental habits in a fun way, your little one will have a better chance of making excellent oral hygiene a lifelong habit.

It can also help them avoid dental problems during the school year so they don’t miss valuable time in the classroom!

To learn more about how we can help your family’s smiles stay healthy, call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 to schedule your appointment in Charlotte, NC.