Stay Cozy & Calm At The Dentist’s Office With Sedation

Leading up to Halloween, you probably enjoy a good fright here and there.

A classic scary movie, a local haunted attraction, maybe a couple of harmless office pranks… fear can be fun this time of year.

What’s not so fun is chronic, irrational fear, especially the kind that keeps you from doing things that might be good for you.

Like visiting the dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams.

But what if we told you there was a way to overcome that so routine dental care could become an easy part of your life?

Your Charlotte, NC dental team offers amenities like warm blankets and sedation options to help you stay calm and cozy during your visits. Watch today’s ADA video to hear more about getting beyond your dental fear!

Ready to experience comfortable care? Call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 to schedule your appointment in Charlotte, NC.