How to Keep Your Breath Smelling Fresh

Everyone has had moments where they realize their breath doesn’t smell great. However, no need to despair. Overcoming bad breath requires more strategic effort than just chomping on mints. That’s why we wanted to share ways to keep your breath smelling fresh. By identifying and targeting various potential causes, you can kick embarrassing odors to the curb for good.

  • Assess Your Diet

One of the most notorious causes of bad breath is foods that contain sulfur compounds, like garlic, onions, broccoli, and fish. These foods release those compounds during digestion that end up in your mouth. If you indulge in them too often, it can lead to ongoing breath issues. So, if you can’t resist a good onion-rich sandwich or fish-focused meal, be diligent about brushing and flossing after to remove particles. Make sure you stay hydrated by sipping water regularly. You may need to reconsider your diet choices if the problem persists.

  • Optimize Your Oral Hygiene

Inadequate oral care enables food particles and plaque-producing bacteria to accumulate in your mouth. Make sure you brush thoroughly twice daily, floss once daily, and regularly replace your toothbrush about every 3 months when bristles wear out. All of those habits can improve your breath and help your mouth smell fresh. Consider incorporating a fluoride-based mouth rinse to improve your breath and strengthen your teeth. If you have trouble brushing two minutes, invest in a toothbrush that has a timer included.

  • Address Potential Dental Problems

Bad breath may also signal untreated dental issues. Gum infections and tooth decay can contribute to breath concerns. If vigilant brushing and flossing fails to help, make a dental appointment to identify and resolve any underlying issues early. We’ll perform a thorough examination to determine what’s going on inside your mouth. We can also discuss lifestyle habits that you need to make or products you can use at home.

  • Brush Your Tongue

Many people forget to brush their tongue during their brushing routine. That’s one of the main causes for bad breath. Your tongue’s bumpy surface harbors odor-causing bacteria, dead cells, and debris. If you have trouble brushing it with your tooth brush, consider investing in a tongue scraper. It helps you remove that unfortunate smelling buildup when used properly. Adding this to your oral care routine makes a surprisingly big difference in preventing smelly breath.

  • Consider Chewing Gum

After your meal, it may not always be possible to brush your teeth. Not to mention, it’s bad for your teeth if you brush too soon after a meal anyway. Unfortunately, sitting in a room after a meal filled with onions or garlic won’t be appreciated by those around. So, consider chewing gum sweetened with xylitol. It stimulates saliva, which helps wash away lingering particles. Just remember gum shouldn’t substitute proper teeth brushing and flossing.

The takeaway? Conquering bad breath requires diligently investigating potential causes and customizing solutions. While no one enjoys embarrassing breath, you can improve daily oral hygiene habits, make dietary changes, and stay on top of changes to your lifestyle choices to improve your breath. Keep in mind that some health conditions and necessary medications can lead to breath issues. Be sure to talk to your dentist about that if your breath becomes a chronic concern.

Call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 to schedule your appointment in Charlotte, NC. You can also online.