Many times folks will come to us uncertain whether they’ve got a toothache or they’re dealing with some kind of chronic jaw pain, reports of headaches, of jaw pain, difficulty chewing. Maybe they can’t close their mouth completely or their bite feels off. Our doctors are very equipped at kind of triaging and making sure we go through and determine what the correct diagnosis is and prescribe the appropriate treatment. A lot of times it can be that these folks are doing a lot of clenching or grinding or both. Stress is a big driver of that. Nonetheless, when we see those folks, we have the opportunity to treat them with a bite guard appliance. That’s a lab-fabricated appliance that we adjust in-house based on each person’s unique bite to get them to a more comfortable position to allow the muscles of mastication to relax and be more comfortable. And then it may require some further bite adjustment dental treatment with our folk, our restorative folks upstairs to get those folks into a healthy balance so that they’re not dealing with the chronic pain of clenching and grinding and also protecting their teeth from excessive wear and tear, if you will, by wearing one of these appliances.
- Protect your smile from teeth grinding
- Enjoy a comfortable night’s rest with a mouthguard
- Get relief by treating your aching jaw