So when I was coming along, much like Mom and Dad, braces were what you got. Technology for something like Invisalign didn’t even exist. But now, young folks, teenagers, especially, have the opportunity to be able to take advantage of the modern technology of Invisalign, the comfort. Mom and Dad don’t have to drive them here quite as often. There are no emergencies involved with Invisalign. It’s easier for young folks to keep their teeth clean and healthy throughout the process and avoid things like permanent stains being left on their teeth after traditional braces. My four daughters, two of them have completed Invisalign treatment and are now off in college. And two of them are in the middle of it right now. And so I can attest personally to the benefit of what that provides them as young folks. So it’s not just an adult treatment anymore. We very much encourage young folks to consider the opportunity to take advantage of the technology that comes with Invisalign.
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