At Charlotte Dentistry, we work really hard to keep and maintain patients’ dentition, but sometimes there are situations where teeth just can’t be saved. They’re too far damaged or too far gone to be able to save, and they need to be removed, unfortunately, to get patients out of pain and get patients comfortable.
At Charlotte Dentistry, we’ve got some doctors here who are fantastic at tooth extraction, and they just do a great job of making our patients comfortable, getting our patients numb, getting the teeth out quickly and efficiently, and getting our patients taken care of and then following up with good post-op care. Occasionally, we will have situations that we do have to refer out and we have a team of experts that we work with. We have great oral surgeons in the area here in Charlotte that we work with that can sedate, can put you to sleep, to have treatment done. And for those cases that we see, we will definitely get you at the right place where you need to be.
- Relieve pain & maintain your oral health
- We have sedation options available
- Same-day visits available for urgent dental needs