I’ve been a loyal patient at this dental practice since the ’80s, and my recent annual cleaning reaffirmed why. Cindy, the dental hygienist, provided exceptional care. Her gentle touch and genuine concern for my comfort made the cleaning a breeze. I’ve always received top-notch service here, and Cindy’s expertise is a shining example of their commitment to patient satisfaction. Highly recommend this practice for their outstanding staff and long-standing dedication to dental health.
Receive Urgent Dental Care to Save Your Smile
When your smile is suffering and you’re in pain, you need a dental expert all set to handle the difficulty of repairing your smile. That’s exactly what you’ll discover at Charlotte Dentistry. Our staff is composed of gifted, seasoned dentists and caring staff members who will provide you the best dental experience feasible.
When you’re in pain, you may be a lot more distressed than typical. If so, we can provide sedation prior to your treatment to relax you and relax your nerves. We’ll also go at your pace and address any concerns you have regarding your dental care. We want to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.
When you come in for your dental emergency, we’ll examine you and advise any type of restorative or other kinds of dental care to end your pain and get your smile back on the right track. Below are a couple of kinds of dental emergencies we commonly treat, and as actions you can take before you come to our office:
- Tooth pain— Wash your mouth with lukewarm water, after that use ice or a cold compress to your cheek to help reduce swelling and pain.
- Cracked or Broken Tooth– Use ice to relieve pain and swelling, and bring any broken pieces with you.
- Knocked-Out Tooth— Pick up the tooth by the crown (visible part in your smile), and put it in a container of milk or saliva. Bring it to the office with you.
- Lost Filling— Put a touch of dental cement where the dental filling was as a temporary measure.
- Soft-Tissue Injury– Use gauze or a moist tea bag to stop any kind of bleeding to your cheek, lips, gums, or tongue.
- Loose Crown— Apply dental cement or tooth paste to the inside of the crown, and try to place it back into place. Bring it with you if it won’t stay in place.
- Loose or Broken Dental Appliance– Dental wax or gauze can help keep any soft edges from irritating your mouth.
When time is of the essence, visit a skilled emergency dentist in Cornelius, NC. Call Charlotte Dentistry now at 704-285-0846 for an appointment. You can also online.