Straight Teeth Are Good for You & Your Smile

You know how valuable a great smile can be. It can boost your self-esteem. It can help you make a good first impression, too, whether you are in a job interview, at a business lunch, or on a dinner date.

To many people, straight teeth are an important part of an attractive smile. If you want to have a perfectly aligned smile, then you should set up a consultation to discuss orthodontic care with one of our doctors. Here are a few reasons you should.

Improve Your Confidence

We can’t tell you how many patients have come into our office who felt like they needed to hide their teeth with their hands when they spoke. Crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, and bite issues such as overbites are just a few reasons people feel they should conceal their smiles.

By straightening your teeth, you feel better about sharing your smile with others.

Stay Healthier

Don’t misunderstand. Straightening your smile won’t automatically make it healthier. However, you can clean your teeth more effectively when your teeth are in line. Your daily brushing and flossing remove more plaque and food particles can be dislodged more easily.

Take Advantage of Your Options

At our modern dental practice, you have multiple options to complete your orthodontic treatment:

  • Metal Braces
  • Ceramic Braces
  • Invisalign
  • Invisalign Teen
  • Acceledent

Get started now so you can enjoy having straight teeth for decades to come. Call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 or contact us online to request your appointment in Charlotte, NC.