Playing a Winter Sport? Wear a Custom Mouthguard

If someone in your family plays a winter sport, don’t send them onto the court without the right gear!

Visit your Charlotte, NC dentist for an athletic mouthguard!

As you’ll see in today’s video, only a professional can provide a high-quality, durable mouthguard that shields teeth and gums from blunt force during contact sports. Those found in stores are mass-produced, which means they lack one of the most important features in a mouthguard – customization!

We take precise measurements to ensure your device fits snugly yet comfortably, so your athlete will not only be more likely to wear it but will be able to breathe and communicate easily during a game while doing so.

To perform well and remain safe during the winter sports season, make sure your favorite athlete wears a custom mouthguard that only a dentist can provide!

Call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 to schedule your appointment in Charlotte, NC. You can also online.