Fall in Love With Your Smile With Cosmetic Smile Makeover

Many people see the fall season as a chance to start fresh. If you are ready to see major changes to your smile, you may consider a cosmetic smile makeover. With this procedure, we create a treatment plan that addresses all the improvements you want to make. It’s a streamlined way of getting the results you want instead of doing one cosmetic service at a time. 

Here are some of the procedures that may be involved in your plan:

  • Dental Veneers

We use veneers made of porcelain, giving you the best quality materials. Your veneers can last up to 20 years. Plus, you can feel confident that they look the most natural. It will take at least two appointments because we need to prepare your teeth ahead of time and custom-make your veneers. They are perfect for teeth damaged by chips, cracks, or stubborn stains.

  • Dental Crowns

If you have more seriously damaged teeth, we’ll use a lifelike crown to repair your smile. It is also made of porcelain due to its strength and natural appearance. While smile makeovers are normally cosmetically focused, we often use restorative treatments in our plans. It’s important to us your smile is as healthy as it is beautiful.

  • Tooth Bonding

If your teeth need just minor repairs, you may benefit from tooth bonding. We’ll use a composite material that repairs small areas of damage. Then, we reshape your tooth and harden the material with a special light. Bonding doesn’t cost as much as veneers; however, the results won’t last as long. 

  • Teeth Whitening

If you have stains on your teeth caused by foods you eat or beverages you enjoy, you can get professional teeth whitening. We make it part of your makeover for teeth that don’t need significant improvements. With our quick in-office solution, you can whiten your teeth in just one appointment. Or you can gradually whiten from home with take-home kits.

  • Orthodontics

If you have alignment issues, we have a variety of solutions for you. We offer clear aligners and traditional braces. We also have a fast-track solution to aligning your teeth through AccelDent. An advanced treatment method can speed up your treatment by 50 percent. Your dentist will review which option is right for you based on your unique smile needs. For cosmetic alignment issues, such as slightly overlapping or gapped teeth, you may benefit from veneers. They are often considered “instant orthodontics.”

Want to find out what a cosmetic smile makeover can do for your smile? Call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 to schedule your appointment in Charlotte, NC. You can also online.