Celebrate Sleep Awareness Week With a Visit!

Today marks the start of Sleep Awareness Week, a timely reminder about visiting your Charlotte, NC dentist to improve your nightly rest and boost your energy just in time for spring.

If you’ve lost a little pep in your step, it could have something to do with your sleep quality. You may have noticed other unpleasant signs of sleep deprivation like problems with memory or concentration, irritability, and daily fatigue.

Without seeking a proper diagnosis from a professional, you could face potentially serious health problems related to sleep apnea like weight gain, hypertension, and heart issues.

Don’t let your sleep apnea go ignored or untreated! Protect your health and quality of life with the help of an oral appliance that fits like a mouthguard for deeper rest and more energy to enjoy the new season.

Improving your sleep awareness could just save your life!

Call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 to schedule your appointment in Charlotte, NC. You can also online.

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