Celebrate National Brush Day With Your Kids!

It’s National Brush Day!

Today is a day to focus our attention on kids’ dental health and encouraging them to adopt good oral hygiene habits, particularly brushing their teeth. 

When teaching your child how to brush properly, make sure they follow the 2-2 rule – brush twice a day for two minutes each time. 

To make it fun, set a timer they’ll enjoy, such as one of their favorite songs. You can also find kid-friendly timers on Youtube and other apps. 

You can also help them take more ownership of their oral care regimen by letting them pick out their own soft-bristle toothbrush with their favorite TV character or superhero.

Videos are also helpful in getting kids excited about oral health, like today’s video where a dental student compares three different brushes from various time periods.

Your child may be fascinated to learn about how people brushed their teeth thousands of years ago!

Happy brushing! To keep your family’s smiles healthy, call Charlotte Dentistry at 704-285-0846 to schedule your appointment in Charlotte, NC. You can also online.